
sELamAt DatAnG

Khamis, 19 Ogos 2010

Tarawih Masjid Tengku Mizan Kerteh

Alhamdulillah..i did completed 23 rakaat solat tarawih with congregation lead by 2 imam which were one from Malaysia and 2nd one from Saudi Arabia. By right this solat should be imam by that one from Saudi Arabia but after 10rakaat I guess he was tired and handed over the rest to the other Imam. Anyway it doesn’t matter because the most important is we could finish the prayer smoothly and peacefully.

This Masjid Tengku Mizan might be not as huge as Masjid Al-Azim Melaka because I gauged it was about half of it but still consider the biggest within Kertih. The congregation if counted had in numbers of adult plus with children at the back ‘Saff’. I think the total could be almost 10 ‘Saff” MasyaAllah…so many of them came to perform Tarawih together. Alhamdulillah this month of “Ibadah” once a year had tremendously impact the occasion since you can see youth which seldom or rarely show up will be there, while adults you didn’t recognize and may said “eh..he is stayying at this area,I saw him at work before”(logically we came to nearest mosque). I am glad and grateful to Allah for allowing me to make myself available performing prayers with congregation Allahamdulillah.

Meanwhile apart from that, there is something I feel that all of us should sit together and think why people always move out after 8rakaat and as the consequences the remaining will be 1 and half “Saff’(scenery in Masjid Tengku Mizan Kertih). Having said that does not make me good or so called pious or whatever you name it. Yet I am just a guy who love Islam and think we should not wasting this month of Ramadhan leave us nothing. At least make it meaningful since we are (mostly) unable to fasting (sunat), reciting Quran daily. Therefore fully utilize this special month to top up our lack of “Akhirah” investment is one of the way to help us when face up the judgment day where none will be our savior what we did during lifetime except those purposely for Allah’ sake, for Muhammad’s s.a.w sake and generally for Islam’s sake.

Anyway..whatever the answer is, I believe people deserve a second chance to take over a new leaf. I know is not kind of a bed of roses to change everything in a wink but lets start from inside our self, strengthen our love,our belief to Allah and yet InsyaAllah those good traits will come out. Start from inside and then the outer side will follow later InsyaAllah…Wallahualam

نور غزنان بن مزلن

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